On Thu, 2010-08-26 at 16:13 +0300, Mihajlin Evgenij wrote:
> Hi, first of all for forgive me for my english.
> I have several questions. 
> 1. There are 2 user/passwd databases in my setup - ldap and mysql. when i 
> login into one user with telnet 143 and share inbox to some users - 
> records in dict-file apears? but if i delete some acls  - records indict-file 
> stays same.

Probably a bug.

> 2. I see in error.log such errors. can somebody explain what do dovecot list 
> shared folder (what files is looking for, how it see variables %u and %%u, 
> ...)
> Aug 26 15:44:19 imap(j...@badmltd.dn.ua): Error: Namespace 'shared//': 
> mkdir(/var/run/dovecot/user-not-found/@badmltd.dn.ua) failed: Permission 
> denied (euid=47(mailnull) egid=12(mail) missing +w perm: /var/run/dovecot, 
> euid is not dir owner)

It looks as if it's trying to access an empty user's ("@badmltd.dn.ua")
mailbox ("shared//", it typically should access shared/username/box" or

One annoying thing here is that it even gives this error message when
client attempts to access invalid mailboxes. Should fix it some day.

> Aug 26 15:44:53 imap(ad...@badmltd.dn.ua): Error: Namespace 'shared/shared/': 
> mkdir(/var/run/dovecot/user-not-found/sha...@badmltd.dn.ua) failed: 
> Permission 
> denied (euid=47(mailnull) egid=12(mail) missing +w perm: /var/run/dovecot, 
> euid is not dir owner)

Again, it's trying to access "sha...@badmltd.dn.ua" user's mails. That
user probably doesn't exist either?

How are you trying to access these mailboxes? With an imap client? Try
testing first by talking IMAP protocol directly and only after that
works try IMAP clients.

http://wiki2.dovecot.org/TestInstallation gives some commands. Basically
you should get these working:

a select shared/username/mailbox
b list "" shared/*

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