On Thu, 2010-09-02 at 22:36 -0700, Tim Traver wrote:

> As I read down the thread, I realized that many of the posters were
> pointing out that it shouldn't be used because postfix or qmail can
> deliver without problems. But in doing that, you lose the performance
> gain (and in my case the use of sieve filters) that the dovecot-lda

Not entirely true, you lose the performance gain maybe if you stopped
caching for pop3/imap side
there has been no performance degradation on the "delivery" side, and
deliver not updating caches has not affected in any noticable way how
the clients receive their mail.

That said, this is from  a purely pop3 stand point, in testing webmail,
no difference was noted either, I can not speak for those who consider
imap the primary use where it may or may not affect performance at a
noticeable level.

> brings to the table. Even without using the dovecot-lda, the indexes for

The only thing I see as a setback is (and again, I've not looked into
this so there may be a plain sight solution within postfix itself) no
support. This is why I myself some time ago asked about an added option
to deliver to ignore it and just deliver the darn message file, letting
pop3/imap discover any changed and do updates.

ahhh 40 mins to friday beer oclock

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