On Saturday, September 11, 2010 10:28 AM CDT, Charles Marcus 
<cmar...@media-brokers.com> wrote: 
> On 2010-09-11 3:14 AM, Donny Brooks <dbro...@mdah.state.ms.us> wrote:
> > Currently our mail server is setup to use postfix and dovecot,
> Version of DC?

On the old mail server it is: dovecot-1.2.11-3.fc11.x86_64
On the new mail server we are migrating to it is: dovecot-1.2.14-1.fc13.x86_64 

Is there a repo out there that I can install 2.0 from? The only one I have 
found is atrpms and it is a pain to get conflict worked out with other packages.

> > I have searched until blue in the face and cannot find a 100%
> > working solution that doesn't require alot of manual interaction to
> > move the mail boxes from mbox to maildir.
> Dovecot 2.0 would use dsync, and it should be really easy and avoids
> most problems the other methods can have (haven't used it yet myself,
> but will on a system I'll be upgrading soon)...
> http://wiki2.dovecot.org/Migration/MailFormat
> But either way, to avoid doing each one manually you'll need to use some
> scripting magic. If I were doing it, I'd probably write a script  (or
> more likely hire someone to do it for me, since my scripting skills are
> rudimentary at best) that would run at the least busy time of day for
> your system, and iterate through the user:
> disable login
> kill any existing processes for that user
> run dsync to convert everything
> re-enable login
> rinse, repeat.
> > I also tried the convert plugin located here: 
> > http://wiki.dovecot.org/Plugins/Convert but it kept erroring about 
> > not able to convert the box and exiting.
> Did you ask here about the errors? Timo could probably address any
> problems your having very quickly.
> -- 
> Best regards,
> Charles
 Most likely I will need to stick for now to the 1.x branch and just use the 
convert plugin. I will dig for the error again and see what it was. I will send 
a new message with the details on that. Thanks for the input.
Donny B. 

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