Op 22-9-2010 8:45, Cassidy Larson schreef:
Just switched my storage boxes to 2.0.3 with Pigeonhole.  Noticing for
those that have quota fulls, my syslog is getting full of errors from

dovecot: lda(u...@host.com): Error: sieve: script
/data/mail/host.com/u...@host.com//.dovecot.sieve failed with
unsuccessful implicit keep (user logfile
/data/mail/host.com/u...@host.com//.dovecot.sieve.log may reveal
additional details)

Checking the .dovecot.sieve.log I see:
sieve: info: started log at Sep 22 00:38:11.
error: msgid=<dovecot-1285137490-37826...@storagebox.host.com>: failed
to store into mailbox 'INBOX': Quota exceeded (
mailbox for user is full).

Any way to suppress these quota full messages from filling up my logs
and .dovecot.sieve.log ? I do like the .dovecot.sieve.log for
debugging, but regular quota warnings seems excessive.

I'm wondering how your previous setup handled this. Currently, LDA and Pigeonhole don't maintain state information about persistent errors, causing a new error message in the logs for each failed delivery.



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