On Fri, 2010-09-24 at 09:59 -0500, Mike Abbott wrote:

> ./:2,FST:
> total 88
> drwx------  3 vmail  vmail    102 Sep 24 09:00 .
> drwx------  8 vmail  vmail    272 Sep 24 09:06 ..
> -rw-------  5 vmail  vmail  41045 Sep 24 08:44 
> 1285335855.M242128P1165.my.mail.server,S=41045,W=41755
> #
> Dovecot must have created this non-Maildir++-ish directory, but why,
> why in cur/ not tmp/, and why didn't it clean it up?  (Not the
> "Directory not empty" error specifically; I mean in the larger sense.)

I've heard some people having similar directories in cur/ directory..
It's always been with people who have migrated from Courier, so I've
thought that the problem was that they just had accidentally
misconfigured something in the past and just didn't notice those extra
dirs with Courier.

So are you saying that this directory was actually created by Dovecot?
The directory name is ":2,FST" i.e. the base filename is empty. I guess
this could happen if readdir() returns a "" directory entry while
reading new/ and then Dovecot does:

rename(".../new/", ".../cur/:2,")

that's about the only explanation I can think of for this.. I'll add a
check against this anyway just to be sure. :)

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