OK, I'll give the trace a try. Thanks for the instructions.

In the meantime, here is more info.
The sieve script does a redirect and a local save. It works fine if only
the redirect is in place.

if true {
    redirect "some.em...@domain.com";

if true {

I'm using mdbox as storage.



On 29/09/2010 15:01, Stephan Bosch wrote:
>  Op 29-9-2010 14:42, interfaSys sàrl schreef:
>>   Hello,
>> One account couldn't get emails all the sudden.
>> dovecot-lda was crashing with "signal 11 (segmentation fault)".
>> There was absolutely nothing in the dovecot logs, even with
>> mail_debug=yes.
>> I found out that it was because of the following lines in a sieve script
>> that were generated by a script generator (Ingo).
>> if true {
>>      keep;
>>      stop;
>> }
>> I'm using the latest revision of pigeonhole with Dovecot 2.0.4.
> Hmm. I cannot reproduce this.
> You should:
> 1) send your dovecot -n output.
> 2) If you can easily reproduce it: produce a backtrace of the problem
> using gdb:
> You can for instance run dovecot-lda manually as follows: gdb --args
> /usr/lib/dovecot-lda -p example-message.eml
> And then:
> - issue 'r' command
> - (hopefully) see it crash with sigsegfault
> - issue 'bt full' command and report the output back here
> - also include a copy of the full Sieve script that you are using and
> the example message.
> You can also use core dumps if the problem is more transient:
> http://www.dovecot.org/bugreport.html
> Regards,
> Stephan.

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