On 06/10/2010 21:34, Stephan Bosch wrote:
Op 4-10-2010 19:05, Juan C. Blanco schreef:
Hello Stephan I have some problems to build pigeonhole 0.2.1 over
dovect 2.0.5, I've had no problems with previous versions; the system
is CentOS 5.5.
I think that is "autotools" related, but not sure.

I've dounloaded the archive for pigeonhole, once decompressed:

If I do:
./configure --with-dovecot=../dovecot-2.0.5

All seems to work fine

But if I do (like the atrpms package spec):
autoreconf -ifv
./configure --with-dovecot=../dovecot-2.0.5

I get the error:

Hope you can give me some light abaout this

Not much, unfortunately. I can't make much sense of the error messages.
For some reason it interprets the individual elements of some compile
command as shell commands.

Looks like your autotools/libtool installation is broken or maybe
there's a version mismatch.

Maybe but all the tools are the original from CentOS 5.5, all builds for previous versions of pigeonhole have worked fine.

With the same base system and dovecot version I can build the previous version of pigeonhole (0.2.0) without problems, in this case the configure does not work without a previous autoreconf.

With the 0.2.1 version only builds without the autoreconf

I'll look more on the issue.

Best regards

Juan C. Blanco



| Juan C. Blanco                                                 |
|                                                                |
|  Centro de Calculo              |                              |
|  Facultad de Informatica U.P.M. |  E-mail: jcbla...@fi.upm.es  |
|  Campus de Montegancedo         |                              |
|  Boadilla del Monte             |  Tel.:    (+34) 91 336 7466  |
|  28660 MADRID (Spain)           |  Fax :    (+34) 91 336 6913  |

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