On Thu, 2010-10-14 at 15:47 +0200, Ralf Hildebrandt wrote:
> > > > Colleague returned from vacation today and gave some ideas.
> > > > Today I turned off the "mail_log" and "notify" plugins and the load
> > > > dropped considerably. Both plugins were used with default settings.
> > Load as in I/O load or CPU load?.. If CPU, which process was eating it?
> CPU, specifically system (not user, not idle, not wait).
> Process: No special process was peaking. How is the logging
> implemented? Each imap process is logging by itself?

dovecot-lda logs directly, with everything else it goes through
"dovecot/log" process. Are you logging to syslog? Hmm. System CPU usage
is about time spent in syscalls.. Is it doing too many tiny write()s or
something? .. Maybe I should strace the processes and see if something's
too slow there.

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