On 2010-10-18 3:38 AM, vladi wrote:
> Example: I send email to info@ with subject: 'new offer': jane and john
> receive both a copy. Jane with outlook download her mail in the morning
> and delete the message. outlook mark it for deletion and leave it in her
> maildir.

That *sounds* like IMAP, not POP behavior. Maybe *one* of these Outlooks
is configured as IMAP, and the other is POP?

> john later with his outlook is downloading his mail and the same
> message (his copy) is downloaded as readed and marked to be deleted 
> and not as new (as it supposed to be). they don't share same or any
> imap directory.

Please provide *proof* of your configuration... output of postconf -n is
a good start, then screenshots of *both* of the Outlook Account Details
will also be necessary.

> the only common between them is info@ as pop3 for sending emails from
> behalf of i...@.

More confusion. POP is not used for sending mail, it is a protocol for
*retrieving* mail. SMTP is what is used for sending mail.

> but in this pop3 account postfix doesn't store anything. its
> completely empty.

What is there to store for SENT mail?

Like I said, only much more detailed proof (not verbal descriptions) of
your current configuration will have any hope of clearing this up.


Best regards,


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