On Tue, 2010-10-12 at 18:42 +0000, Xiiph wrote:

> This has happened to me too. After a bit of investigation I believe I found 
> what
> causes it, and I have successfully managed to reproduce it.
> This seems to happen when dovecot-lda attempts to deliver a mail to multiple
> aliases resolving to the same user. For example:
> # /etc/aliases
> xiiph:  xi...@example.com
> admin:  xi...@example.com
> Sending a mail to both xiiph and admin (for example as to and cc) will result 
> in
> one mail being delivered, and one mail bounced with signal 11 from 
> dovecot-lda.

I think that simply causes two dovecot-ldas to be executed at the same
time. And that probably causes a race condition that causes the crash.
Did you already try patched with
http://hg.dovecot.org/dovecot-2.0/raw-rev/e2f9baa436f2 ?

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