
Dovecot: 2.0.5

I want to use public folders (maildir), for my spam mails to feed
spamassassin, but I don't get it working. My Evolution 2.28.3 (nothing
else tested) can't subscribe the folders:

  namespace {
  hidden = no
  inbox = yes
  list = yes
  location = 
  prefix = INBOX/
  separator = /
  subscriptions = yes
  type = private
namespace {
  hidden = no
  inbox = no
  list = children
  location = maildir:/home/vmail/public:LAYOUT=fs
  prefix = public/
  separator = /
  subscriptions = no
  type = public

angelica:/etc/dovecot/conf.d# ls -l /home/vmail/public/
total 24
-rw-r--r-- 1 vmail vmail   11 Oct 23 14:14 dovecot-acl
-rw------- 1 vmail vmail   45 Oct 23 13:56 dovecot-acl-list
-rw------- 1 vmail vmail   48 Oct 24 19:22 dovecot.mailbox.log
drwxr-xr-x 2 vmail vmail 4096 Oct 23 14:03 nospam
drwxr-xr-x 2 vmail vmail 4096 Oct 23 14:03 spam
-rw------- 1 vmail vmail   12 Oct 24 19:22 subscriptions

# cat /home/vmail/public/dovecot-acl
anyone lrp, also in subfolders spam/nospam

I tested several configurations, but nothing works. Sometimes I can see
the folders, but can't subscribe them (invalid/unknown namespace),
sometime I don't see the folders ...

does anyone has an answer for me ?

cu denny

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