Am 15.11.2010 07:44, schrieb Aliet Santiesteban Sifontes:
> Hi, all
> this days I'm testing a dovecot setup using lvs, director and a cluster
> email backend with two nodes using rhel5 and gfs2. In the two nodes of the
> email backend I configured mail location this way:
> mail_location =
> sdbox:/var/vmail/%d/%3n/%n/sdbox:INDEX=/var/indexes/%d/%3n/%n
> /var/vmail is shared clustered filesystem with GFS2 shared by node1 and
> node2
> /var/indexes is a local filesystem at the node, so each node has his own
> /var/indexes stuff on ext3 and raid1 for improving performance, I mean each
> node a different /var/indexes of its own.
> Now, if the director was using node2 for the email for user1 and I removed
> node2 now all the connections for that user are redirected to node1, that
> node has its local /var/indexes, when this ocurr I can not see the emails
> that in fact are in the mailboxes, I guess should be indexes not current
> with the user mails.
> Is supposed indexes to be rebuilt automatically when the node switches?? Or
> I have to configure the indexes in the shared storage so the two node update
> the information concurrently?
> I will appreciate your help...
> best regards
i have indexes on the cluster storage, in users mailbox dirs
i speculate having another index storage which isnt at cluster may lead
into trouble i some cases, but Timo will know exactly i think

Best Regards

MfG Robert Schetterer


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