On 11/23/2010 5:26 PM, Daniel L. Miller wrote:
On 11/23/2010 12:35 PM, Daniel L. Miller wrote:
On 11/23/2010 10:59 AM, Timo Sirainen wrote:
On Tue, 2010-11-23 at 10:40 -0800, Daniel L. Miller wrote:

doveadm dump /var/mail/amfes.com/username/ | grep 'ref.*\b0\b'

Continuing testing. Examining the mail folder on disk using 'ls -alrt' reveals:

Delete a message from Inbox (moves to Trash). Only file that updates is 'dovecot.map.index.log' - and grows in size

Perform 'Empty Trash'. Again, only 'dovecot.map.index.log' updates - and grows in size

doveadm dump ... reveals - no output

So at the moment - I'm not losing mail, but I can't get rid of stuff I've deleted! Once it's in mdbox - it's there forever! :)

Further testing - did I mention I'm using Thunderbird for my client?

Just for fun - I used a webmail client (Roundcube) to check - and I saw a whole bunch of deleted messages in...the Inbox!

Hmm...went back to Thunderbird, performed 'Compact' on the INBOX - not the Trash this time - saw significant changes in index files. Doveadm dump output now has results too! Tried doveadm purge - I still see no output from the -D parameter - but the mail store is compacted to a fraction of what it was. I don't know if -D or -v are supposed to provide much - but for me, I'm not seeing ANY (besides the skipped module messages).

So...doveadm purge works if the dumb user uses his dumber client properly (P.S. - might want to add a wiki note about this). Back to the original question - is 'doveadm -v/-D purge' supposed to have any significant output?

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