
i already read http://wiki.dovecot.org/HowTo/RefilterMail but it won't
work here :(

I have many old mails in my folders and need to refilter many of them.
But there are many mails without a delivered-to-header.

What can i do?

Configuration error: envelope_recipient specified header missing

Would be okay if getmail would just skip the mail, but it cancels. Not
sure if there is any way around.

This is the config:
type = MultidropIMAPSSLRetriever
envelope_recipient = delivered-to:1
server = foo
port = 993
username = foo
password = foo
mailboxes = ("INBOX.REFILTER",)
move_on_delete = INBOX.trash
type = MDA_external
path = /usr/lib/dovecot/deliver
arguments = ("-e", "-f", "%(sender)", "-d", "%(recipient)")
user = vmail
group = vmail
delete = true
recieved = false
delivered_to = false
verbose = 2

I'm using virtual users, so i must use Multidrop.


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