On 2011-01-12 9:41 AM, Dave wrote:
> > By default Dovecot doesn't allow using the IMAP "anyone" or
> > "authenticated" identifier, because it would be an easy way to spam
> > other users in the system. If you wish to allow it, set:
> >
> > plugin {
> >   acl_anyone = allow
> > }
> Greg, thanks for your reply, I missed that in the wiki about the
> "anyone" identifier.  I will try that setting that you mention, BUT I
> don't know that it will work because before I tried using "anyone" as
> the identifier I tried using the username I was logging into the
> account with (using the "user=" parameter in place of "anyone"), and
> that didn't work either. :(
> ...
> OK, I tried it with the username I use to login to the account instead
> of "anyone", and with "owner" as Timo suggested (thank you as well),
> and neither of those worked.  My dovecot-acl contained "user=dave
> lrwstipea" in the first case and "owner lrwstipea" in the second, and
> neither is making a difference, I can still rename/delete/etc that
> folder.  Any other thoughts??  I don't need to restart dovecot or
> reload the config or anything if I make a change to the dovecot-acl
> file do I?
> David
I have this in my public namespace, and it works well:

authenticated lrs
user=gfinch lrwstipekxa

What does your dovecot -n say?


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