I may have found the problem...

# ldd /usr/lib/dovecot/lib90_antispam_plugin.so
        libdovecot.so.0 => not found (0x0)
        libdovecot-storage.so.0 => not found (0x0)

I'll recompile to see what happens

On 13/01/2011 19:37, Timo Sirainen wrote:
> On 13.1.2011, at 21.01, interfaSys sàrl wrote:
>> Here is the info from the core file:
> That doesn't make much sense though.. Can you compile Dovecot without 
> stripping debug symbols? Or you can you easily reproduce this? Can you try if 
> you can crash without any plugins? It looks as the problem has to do with one 
> the plugins..
>> Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/dovecot/lib90_antispam_plugin.so
>> Reading symbols from /libexec/ld-elf.so.1...(no debugging symbols
>> found)...done.
> Did you recompile autospam plugin?

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