Philipp Haselwarter put forth on 1/15/2011 8:32 PM:

> ,----
> | More than 97% of all e-mails sent over the net are unwanted, according
> | to a Microsoft security report.[39]
> | 
> | MAAWG estimates that 85% of incoming mail is "abusive email", as of the
> | second half of 2007. The sample size for the MAAWG's study was over 100
> | million mailboxes.[40][41][42]
> | 
> | Spamhaus estimates that 90% of incoming e-mail traffic is spam in North
> | America, Europe or Australasia.[43] By June 2008 96.5% of e-mail
> | received by businesses was spam.[18][unreliable source?]
> `----

> I just have a tiny set of 4k spam mails, but they have an avg size of
> 39KB, ie well above 4KB.

This discussion has been in the context of _storing_ user email.  The assumption
is that an OP is smart/talented enough to get his spam filters/appliances
killing 99% before it reaches intermediate storage or mailboxes.  Thus, in the
context of this discussion, the average size of a spam message is irrelevant,
because we're talking about what goes into the mail store.

If you're storing significantly more than 1% of spam you need to get that under
control before doing any kind of meaningful analysis of mail storage needs.


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