On 21.1.2011, at 1.51, Alex Cherniak wrote:

> I'd like to allow a user to move messages between his folders on Dovecot
> IMAP account, but prevent move/copy from different accounts (Exchange in
> particular).
> Outlook uses "xx UID COPY 1 folder" and then "xx UID STORE 1 +FLAGS
> (\Deleted \Seen)" for internal moves and "xx APPEND folder" for external
> ones.
> I tried to achieve this with ACL, but i (insert) seems to control both.
> Do I miss something? Should I look somewhere else?

That would also prevent users from saving messages to Drafts or Sent Messages. 
Unless of course this was a per-folder ACL.

Anyway .. nope, there's no way to do that. Why would you want it? You could 
create a plugin for that though.

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