On Fri, 2011-01-21 at 16:15 +0100, Patrick Schoenfeld wrote:

> 1) Location1 and Location2 are in sync
> 2) A mail gets deleted on Location1 (via IMAP)

Via Dovecot v2.0 IMAP? What mailbox format? You haven't disabled index
files, right?

> 3) dsync mirror run to sync the two locations
> Expected behaviour:
> dsync notices that the mail was deleted on Location1 and also deletes
> it on Location2 to get the locations in sync.

Yes, this should happen.

> What I experience, however, is:
> dsync notices that the mail is missing on Location2 and copies it
> from Location1 to get the locations in sync.

This shouldn't happen. Although I've heard that this actually does
happen randomly and I haven't really debugged it much yet. But it should
be a rare occurrence, not reproducible.

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