Am 10.02.2011 13:49, schrieb Lukas Haase:
Third (and main) question: In /var/mail/shared I want to have a mailbox
for each group. Each user is member of his respective groups (in terms
of UNIX permissions *and* ACLs).
The mailboxes are owned by their respective groups and if a user creates
a subfolder inside it should surely have the same group assigned as the
parent mailbox (not the namespace!).

Well, now you're going into something that's a new feature :) But you
can probably do:

/var/mail/shared = root:root, 02770
/var/mail/shared/group1 = root:group1, 02770

As already mentioned, thank you very much, this works!

However, I wonder if I am the one who needs different group-based mailboxes in a shared namespace ... I think it can't be that complicated?!

Maybe the common way to go instead is to create a "virtual mail" mail group where all users belong to (and assign with mail_access_groups=sharedmail) and do all group-permissions solely with the ACL plugin?

Best regards,

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