
I am unable to subscribe to shared folders with Thunderbird although everything seems to be correct (dovecot 1.2).

What does not work? I click "Subscribe..." in Thunderbird. The shared mailboxes are listed, all with [ ] (no checkbox). Therefore I mark them [x], click "subscribe" and "OK". However, the folders do not appear in the folder tree. Furthermore, when I again click "Subscribe..." the folders do NOT have the mark [x] any more. This happens on different computers with *new* profiles.

My configuration is the following (maybe that is the problem?!):

namespace private {
   separator = .
   prefix =.
   inbox = no
   list = no
   hidden = yes
   location = maildir:~/Maildir-root
   subscriptions = yes

namespace private {
   separator = .
   prefix = INBOX.
   inbox = yes
   subscriptions = yes

namespace public {
   separator = .
   prefix = Shared.
   location = maildir:/var/mail/shared:INDEX=~/Maildir/shared:LAYOUT=fs
   subscriptions = no

The folder /var/mail/shared has appropriate permissions/form:
* Owner: $user:mailuser (all users are member of "mailuser")
* All files 0660, all folders 0770
* There exists a dovecot-shared in every folder
* There exists a dovecot-acl in each folder where each user has the permissions "lrwstie"

I switched on "mail_debug = yes" but no messages.

However, the file ~/Maildir-root/subscriptions contains the subscribed folders:


Furthermore, I switched on rawlog. Everything seems to be OK as well:

2 subscribe "Shared.Group1"
3 lsub "" "INBOX.*"
5 lsub "" "Shared.*"
6 list "" "INBOX"

2 OK Subscribe completed.

I am pretty sure it already worked. But it stopped working. Does anybody have a hint what could be the problem?


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