On 08/04/2011 16:09, Timo Sirainen wrote:
On Fri, 2011-04-08 at 16:03 +0100, William Blunn wrote:
But with the mdbox user, Thunderbird pops up an error:

The current command did not succeed. The mail server for account
<accountname>  responded: Invalid mailbox name: Trash/foo/.

See if imap_client_workarounds=tb-extra-mailbox-sep solves this.

(1) I have raised a getsatisfaction.com issue on this issue


(2) I was wondering if there would be any win possible by adding something into that error message like a teeny-tiny URL which pointed to a page which explained:

* It's a bug in Thunderbird

* The proper solution is to fix Thunderbird

* There is a already a bug raised against Thunderbird <URL to bug>. The Thunderbird people know it's wrong, but they've just sat on the issue for three years, doing diddly squat about it

* Go and pester the Thunderbird people. If enough people pester them, then it might be cheaper for them to fix it than to keep having to field questions from disgruntled users

* In the meantime, there is a workaround in Dovecot which can be enabled thus <explanation of how to enable the workaround>


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