Le 05/05/2011 à 21:27, Rick Romero a écrit :

I thought everyone knew that if you removed the 1.55v watch battery from
the motherboard, you could put in a 1.6v battery and time will run
faster. Then just use ntpdate - time will never jump forward, and
dovecot won't crash.



As Timo just stated, you definitely should run ntpd, which tries to adjust the clock's pace smoothly, instead of ntpdate, which abruptly changes the clock and should only be used *before* starting ntpd (typically at service startup), to catch up a difference too big for ntpd to handle in a reasonable time.

If time moves backwards, Dovecot will not crash, but will kill itself, which in the end amounts to pretty much the same. ;-)


Best regards,


- Service Hydrographique et Oceanographique de la Marine - DO/MGS/INF
-  13, rue du Chatellier -  CS 92803  - 29228 Brest Cedex 2, FRANCE
-     Phone: +33 2 98 22 17 49  -  Email: bruno.tregu...@shom.fr

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