Monday, June 6, 2011, 10:38:34 AM, Timo wrote:

> On Mon, 2011-06-06 at 23:08 +0800, John Wong wrote:
>> after upgrade to 2.x, sieve do not create folder, which do not exist.
>> i remenber(maybe wrong) 1.2.x sieve plugin will create folder, if it do 
>> not exist.
>> the sieve log like this
>> failed to store into mailbox 'dovecot': Mailbox doesn't exist: dovecot
>> can i config sieve automatic create the folder?

> The proper way to do this would be to add :create to the Sieve script:

> fileinto :create "dovecot"

> But I think lda_mailbox_autocreate=yes might also fix this for you.

'lda_mailbox_autocreate = yes' fixed it for me. I also added:

lda_mailbox_autosubscribe = yes

so the mailbox would be subscribed automatically.

Best regards,

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