
On Mon, Jul 4, 2011 at 11:25 AM, Ed W <li...@wildgooses.com> wrote:
> On 04/07/2011 09:04, Wolfgang Rosenauer wrote:
>> Hi,
>> in my testing dovecot (1.2 in that case) seems to not notify all
>> idling clients about new "recent" mails but only one of them. The
>> others get usually a message about the new number of mails after some
>> time but never recent ones.
>> Only one client gets notified about a new mail. Is that a known issue
>> or something which might be configuration specific?
> Interesting if you have a reproducible test case?

this is reproduced with IMAP connections idling in a telnet session.
Two telnet imap connections open and both idling on the inbox and only
one of them gets the "1 recent" notification.
I've reproduced on a system where I have access which is a Dovecot 1.0
as delivered in Debian Lenny but also on another system which is
apparently Dovecot 1.2 (but I have no direct access to that one so
cannot be sure which version runs exactly.


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