Timo Sirainen said the following on 01/09/11 16:53:

Oh.. What OS is this? See what it logs with 

Between a lot of ucpu events logged there are some like:

Sep 2 11:41:52 mail dovecot: stats: Error: Mail server input error: UPDATE-SESSION: stats shrank: minflt 787 < 790 Sep 2 11:42:02 mail dovecot: stats: Error: Mail server input error: UPDATE-SESSION: stats shrank: minflt 787 < 790 Sep 2 11:43:42 mail dovecot: stats: Error: Mail server input error: UPDATE-SESSION: stats shrank: diskout 140735698723992 < 167507184 Sep 2 11:43:52 mail dovecot: stats: Error: Mail server input error: UPDATE-SESSION: stats shrank: diskout 140735698723992 < 167507184


+--[Luigi Rosa]--

A beer delayed is a beer denied.

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