On Mon, 2011-09-12 at 13:52 +0200, Ramón Frontera wrote:
> >> After that we use dsync -u user mirror maildir:~/Maildir.
> >> The problem is that if INBOX exists the dsync create a new folder with 
> >> name like b5893c0a93ff694e551200002dfa3112
> >> Can I migrate to the existing INBOX? or How can I merge the 2 INBOX 
> >> folders?

Have you created the dbox directory before running dsync? And opened it
with some tool? I tried with your config and it worked fine.

The reason why these duplicate INBOXes happen is when INBOX exists both
in source and in destination when dsync is run. Typically this means
that you've created the destination INBOX already by e.g. logging in or
delivering a mail there or something..

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