Hi all,
I have a second namespace as archive, where no quota should be active (work with type = shared).
But if I change the type to private the quota will allways count.

My dovecot version is the 2.0.13.

I have tried things like this:
plugin {
  quota_rule = *:storage=500M
  quota_rule2 = Trash:storage=+100M
  quota_rule3 = Sent:storage=+50M
  quota_rule4 = ns=archiv/%u/:ignore

It's also doesn't work with "quota_rule4 = archiv/%u/:ignore"

The namespace:
namespace {
   type = private
   separator = /
   prefix = "archiv/%u/"
location = maildir:/var/data/archiv/%d/%n:INDEX=/var/data/indexes/archiv/%u:LAYOUT=fs
   inbox = no
   hidden = no
   subscriptions = no
   list = yes

Even if I define the namespace for quota I see the quota-value also in the "root":

plugin {
  quota = maildir:User quota
  quota2 = maildir:Archiv quota:ns=archiv/%u/

doveadm quota get -u t...@example.com
Quota name Type Value Limit % User quota STORAGE 1587135 512000 309 User quota MESSAGE 13346 - 0 Archiv quota STORAGE 1359379 - 0 Archiv quota MESSAGE 10577 - 0

du -ks /var/data/mail/example.com/test
234364  /var/data/mail/example.com/test

du -ks /var/data/archiv/example.com/test
1383792 /var/data/archiv/example.com/test

Now is the big question, how can I reach such an output?
doveadm quota get -u t...@example.com
Quota name Type Value Limit % User quota STORAGE 227756 512000 44 User quota MESSAGE 2769 - 0 Archiv quota STORAGE 1359379 - 0 Archiv quota MESSAGE 10577 - 0

I can't believe that's only possible with a shared namespace, or?

Any hints are welcome.

Best regards


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