On 09/30/11 18:15, Terry Carmen wrote:
> If SSL/TLS works from the outside, but not the inside, you should probably
> find out why and fix that instead.
> What is the actual error text?

In my limited experience there are two main reasons why it can work from
outside but not inside.  One is a routing problem.  The common problem is
trying to connect from inside using the outside IP address where the replies
try to take a different route back.

The second reason is to do with the SSL certificate which will have a CN
indicating the server name.  If you try to connect from the inside the server
name will not match and you'll get a certificate error.

A third possibility is you're trying to use TLS on an SSL connection.  You
need to use port 143 for TLS and 993 for SSL.

However your error messages show an authentication error and I suspect you are
using an encrypted password on a connection that doesn't support it.  It's
fairly common if TLS is demanded that PLAIN auth is the only method accepted.

Without more detail one can only guess.


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