Op 28-10-2011 10:42, Nico Suhl schreef:
I'm migrating our mailserver from a linux machine to solaris and got
some small problems with our forwarding and vacation files, which are
stored in the maildir of each user.

I'm now using 2.0.15, on the old machine there was a dovecot 1.

Now the problem is, that the .forward and .vacation files, which are
used by exim, are shown as folders (they have a point...) in imap lists.

This problem only occurs on the new solaris machine and not on the old
linux system (with dovecot v1) or another testing machine with dovecot
2, which runs also under linux.

userdb lookups are static with system account/group of exim.

Is there any way to "hide" the .forward and .vacation files or do i have
to rename or move them?

From http://wiki2.dovecot.org/MailLocation/Maildir#Optimizations :

maildir_stat_dirs=no (default): Assume that all the files beginning with a dot in the maildir are maildirs. You shouldn't have any non-directory files beginning with a dot in the maildirs, but if you do you may need to set this to "yes", in which case Dovecot needs to stat() each directory entry, which degrades the performance. Some filesystems provide the directory/non-directory status for free without having to stat(). In those filesystems this setting is ignored.

It is still not a good idea make the user's 'home' directory equal to the maildir. Place mail in its own sub-directory.

Why are they shown here and not on our testsystems?

That I don't know.



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