On Tue, 2011-10-25 at 00:25 +0200, Stephan Bosch wrote:
> On 10/24/2011 7:52 PM, Dan Swartzendruber wrote:
> >
> > No ideas?  I googled some more and eventually turned up this posting:
> >
> > http://www.mailinglistarchive.com/html/dovecot@dovecot.org/2011-01/msg00716.html
> >  
> >
> >
> > guy seems to be having the exact problem I am, unfortunately, no-one 
> > replied to his post either :(
> Hmm, wonder why no one answered that one. In theory, those plugins 
> should interact gracefully. 

Right. There shouldn't be anything special with expire plugin and Sieve.

> Running dovecot 1.2.12 on ubuntu 10.10.

This very likely works fine with v2.0 though, and I don't really have
time to debug noncritical v1.x bugs anymore.

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