On Tue, 2011-11-01 at 09:38 +0100, Lukas Weiß wrote:

> >> and sql storage is difficult
> to backup. Ive done that, by setting up dovecot with maildir format and
> copy mails from old dbmail to new dovecot imap server with my mail
> client (thunderbird).
> > Thunderbird probably changes the INTERNALDATE of
> the messages. Copy the mails some other way, like offlineimap or maybe
> some other IMAP client.
> What is INTERNALDATE? The modification
> timestamp is correct ("ls -l"), and the "Date: ... " line, too.

Maildir file's mtime is the INTERNALDATE, yes.

Maybe the the problem isn't then any timestamps, but that the messages
were copied in reverse order (newest message first), so their IMAP UIDs
are reversed.

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