On 09/11/11 18:56, Timo Sirainen wrote:
On Wed, 2011-11-09 at 10:54 +0100, David Ocana wrote:

I've been trying to set up dovecot 2.0.15, everything seems to work
pretty well except for the quota feature. I would like to set a quota
limit only for the Inbox folder. I configured two namespaces,
according to some posts from Timo Sirainen

namespace {
       separator = /
       prefix = INBOX/
       location = mbox:/var/empty:INBOX=/mail/%d/%n:INDEX=/var/dovecot/%d/%n
       inbox = yes
       hidden = yes

plugin {
       quota = dirsize:User quota

quota = dirsize:User quota:ns=INBOX/

Actually I forgot to mention that I also tried that, but I got the following error:

Error: Initialization failed: Failed to initialize quota: Quota root User quota: Unknown parameter for backend dirsize: ns=INBOX/

That's why I was trying to change quota settings by using the quota_rule directive.

This limits the quota only to mailboxes in INBOX/ namespace.

       # I've tried with:
       quota_rule = INBOX:storage=819200K
       quota_rule = INBOX/*:storage=819200K
       quota_rule = INBOX/Inbox:storage=819200K

Quota rules don't work in this way. There are no per-mailbox quotas
really, at least in the way you're thinking about.

I see, I guess they're per-namespace quotas, right? I got the wrong idea after watching the following, which was exactly what I wanted to do :p

quota_rule = <mailbox name>:<limit configuration>

May be that, using dirsize backend lets you no other option than calculating quota for the whole user's mailbox?

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