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On 11/10/2011 2:11 PM, Tom Hendrikx wrote:
> On 10-11-11 20:28, Dick Middleton wrote:
>> On 11/10/11 19:17, Carlos Mennens wrote:
>>> I asked a user today to make sure his incoming and outgoing email was
>>> using TLS. He told me it wasn't possible because my Dovecot / Postfix
>>> daemons were only listening on TCP 25 & 143 according to a port scan
>>> he did. He told me the only way I could enable encrypted secure
>>> sessions between the client & server is to enable port 993 (IMAPs).
>> Yes you are right. Port 993 is for IMAPS (SSH). TLS is normally on
the same
>> port as plain.
>> The difference between SSH and TLS is that with SSH the encryption
is set up
>> before any application communication takes place. i.e all
application packets
>> are contained in the encrypted payload. With TLS the application
>> communication and then the application sets up encryption of its
> You're contributing to the confusion.
> SSL and TLS are practically the same, just another name for the same
> beast. The only difference is that SSL is the old name, and newer
> versions of the standard are labeled TLS. The term SSH is not in the
> scope of this question.
> There are 2 ways of using SSL/TLS to encrypt sessions:
> 1) Setup a dedicated port where a SSL/TLS session can be setup before
> the actual data is transferred. This is what happens for IMAPS/993 and
> SMTPS/465.
> 2) Extend an existing protocol to enable SSL/TLS during an open
> This is called STARTTLS in several protocols, SMTP and IMAP being among
> them. And this is what happens on SMTP/25, Submission/587 and IMAP/143.
> Note that although the second option is *named* STARTTLS, you probably
> could implement any server to *use* SSL 1.0 for the actual encryption
> (not recommended though).
> The OP is offering STARTTLS for both services, which is good.
> --
> Regards,
> Tom

The confusion is caused by the way some client software
differentiate these services in their configuration, often referring
to wrappermode smtps/imaps as "SSL", and STARTTLS as "TLS".

  -- Noel Jones
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