Op 15-11-2011 16:38, Alex schreef:

The Sieve language doesn't support invoking external programs. You can
execute this program before Sieve, for instance by wrapping the LDA
Can you describe how I might do this?

You can write a shell script that is executed from your MTA instead of the Dovecot LDA. Perform the process-mail task from within that script and then call the Dovecot LDA from the shell script (and pipe the message to it).

Also, there is a non-standard (an still pretty much
experimental) language extension for this, as provided by the pipe plugin:
Is there a way to just continue to use procmail?

Yes, you can pipe the message to the Dovecot LDA from procmail. This would be similar to the solution described above, only using Procmail instead of a shell script.



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