On Thu, 2011-11-10 at 13:59 -0500, Micah Anderson wrote:
> I really like the feature where you can define quota rules with percents
> which trigger off of the default values[0] (so you can set the Trash to
> allow for 10% more of the user's quota for example). 
> What I would really love in dovecot would be for the ability to
> configure a quota rule for dovecot-lda. I would like to configure things
> so we don't bounce emails for users until they are well over quota, the
> IMAP quota plugin is a really great way to notify people that they are
> over quota because it fails to write to other folders.... that should be
> enough to get people's attention that they need to deal with things, but
> bouncing is harsh.

You can give LDA-specific quota settings. Like maybe:

protocol lda {
  plugin {
    quota_rule2 = INBOX:storage=200%

or even not enforcing quota at all:

protocol lda {
  plugin {
    quota = maildir:User quota:noenforcing

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