There is dovecot authenticating through AD. All is working well, if authentication is just one of AD. But there is another AD, and working with 2 AD's dovecot don't recognizes last AD user's home directory. For example, if user name in the second AD - 1developer and Mail - it...@zakamye.ru then dovecot creates folder /var/mail/zakamye.ru/1cdeveloper but it should be /var/mail/zakamye.ru/it-2c.

What I do wrong?(

And, if I change the order of viewing AD, does not work precisely the second AD:
passdb ldap-DUSLYK {
    driver = ldap
    args = /etc/dovecot/dovecot-DUSLYK.conf
userdb ldap-DUSLYK {
    driver = ldap
    args = /etc/dovecot/dovecot-DUSLYK-users.conf
passdb ldap-DUSL-OFFICE {
    driver = ldap
    args = /etc/dovecot/dovecot-DUSL-OFFICE.conf
userdb ldap-DUSL-BASE {
    driver = ldap
    args = /etc/dovecot/dovecot-DUSL-OFFICE-users.conf

Sorry for my bad english, but maybe you can understand logs and configs:

Айдар А. Камалов,
Системный администратор
ООО "ТД Дуслык"
г. Наб. Челны, пос. Сидоровка
Тел.: +7 (8552) 47-01-99 доб. 3025
Тел.: +7 (8552) 70-65-15 доб. 280
Сот.: +7 (919) 621-28-52
E-mail: a...@zakamye.ru

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