On Thu, 2011-12-08 at 09:19 +0000, Mark Zealey wrote:
> OK now it's copying the timestamp fields for tmp ones. However:
> 1) hdr.* fields are not being copied at all (unlike in previous releases)

They are in my tests.. This also happens if the destination doesn't

> 2) although the decisions are now being recorded; the items are not actually 
> being put into the cache for previously sync'd mails. New mails are having 
> all the cache information produced however.

This is intentional. Doing anything else would be horribly inefficient.
Note that dsync isn't *copying* cached data. It's simply setting the
caching decisions, and the mail saving code parses the mails and updates

> Perhaps this should be activated by a new option to dsync; if people are 
> using this for backup (rather than conversion) caches could get relatively 
> large?

Hm. Maybe..

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