Hello Timo,

On Sat, Dec 10, 2011 at 8:26 PM, Timo Sirainen <t...@iki.fi> wrote:

> On 10.12.2011, at 12.07, Nick Edwards wrote:
> > Trying to get dovecot to _only_ use local copy of database, only querying
> > another database server (same database, just replicated) if local copy is
> > not responding, I have google fu'd a bit and found my only answer in so
> far
> > as dovecot did this once upon as time, but it was only due to a dovecot
> > bug, that has since been fixed, is that so?
> > The wiki shows no information of failover, just load sharing, or is it an
> > undocumented feature, or can dovecot not do failover, if not, can it be
> > made so?
> >
> > Trying to cut down on network traffic, postfix does this nicely, I
> thought
> > dovecot did too.
> You could add two passdbs + userdbs with different configs. The second dbs
> would be used when first db is down, but also for unknown users / wrong
> authentications.
> But yeah, the load balancing should be optional. There are just so many
> other things to do as well..
Yes, it would be nice, but I understand you have many things on your todo

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