On Thu, 2011-12-22 at 06:31 -0500, Jerry wrote:

> On Thu, 22 Dec 2011 06:13:36 -0500
> Charles Marcus articulated:
> > On 2011-12-21 11:18 PM, Simon Brereton
> > <simon.brere...@buongiorno.com> wrote:
> > > It would be interesting to chart the number of threads caused by
> > > each distro.  I don't know who would have the least, but I suspect
> > > gentoo and centos would be out in front,
> > 
> > Been using gentoo since about 2003 and never looked back... best and 
> > easiest distro to maintain, bar none, and the best support and 
> > documentation too.
> I have been a FreeBSD user since 2000. Dovecot and Postfix run well on
> the OS. Postfix should since it was developed on FreeBSD. Other than
> that though, most other apps require extensive patching in order to get
> them to work. And when it comes to drivers for modern devices, you can
> pretty much forget about it. After more than five years they still have
> not developed drivers for wireless "N" protocol devices. However, like
> Firefox, they do enjoy bumping versions numbers sans any true or
> radical improvement.
> Just my 2ยข.

Tis a shame that, freebsd used to leave linux behind in resource
management, but in last 5 or so years, its been other way around and I
kinda agree its like "time stood still"

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