On 10.1.2012, at 2.21, Daniel L. Miller wrote:

>> Did you look at the input? Looking at the code, it should be lowercased. 
>> Maybe Solr just uppercases it for some reason. Are you using a Solr schema 
>> that has "cc" field?
> I see the following in a running Solr instance.  This is generated from a 
> Windoze Thunderbird 8.0 client:
> Jan 9, 2012 4:20:13 PM org.apache.solr.core.SolrCore execute
> INFO: [] webapp=/solr path=/select 
> params={fl=uid,score&sort=uid+asc&fq=%2Bbox:c1af150abfc9df4d7f7a00003bc41c5f+%2Buser:"dmil...@amfes.com"&q=from:"test"+OR+to:"test"+OR+CC:"test"+OR+subject:"test"+OR+body:"test"&rows=9038}
>  status=400 QTime=4

Oh, you were talking about the searching part, not indexing. Yeah, there it 
wasn't necessarily lowercased. Fixed:

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