Am 13.01.2012 19:29, schrieb Mark Moseley:
> On Fri, Jan 13, 2012 at 1:36 AM, Timo Sirainen <> wrote:
>> On 13.1.2012, at 4.00, Mark Moseley wrote:
>>> I'm running 2.0.17 and I'm still seeing a decent amount of "MySQL
>>> server has gone away" errors, despite having multiple hosts defined in
>>> my auth userdb 'connect'. This is Debian Lenny 32-bit and I'm seeing
>>> the same thing with 2.0.16 on Debian Squeeze 64-bit.
>>> E.g.:
>>> Jan 12 20:30:33 auth-worker: Error: mysql: Query failed, retrying:
>>> MySQL server has gone away
>>> Our mail mysql servers are busy enough that wait_timeout is set to a
>>> whopping 30 seconds. On my regular boxes, I see a good deal of these
>>> in the logs. I've been doing a lot of mucking with doveadm/dsync
>>> (working on maildir->mdbox migration finally, yay!) on test boxes
>>> (same dovecot package & version) and when I get this error, despite
>>> the log saying it's retrying, it doesn't seem to be. Instead I get:
>>> dsync(root): Error: user ...: Auth USER lookup failed
>> Try with only one host in the "connect" string? My guess: Both the 
>> connections have timed out, and the retrying fails as well (there is only 
>> one retry). Although if the retrying lookup fails, there should be an error 
>> logged about it also (you don't see one?)
>> Also another idea to avoid them in the first place:
>> service auth-worker {
>>  idle_kill = 20
>> }
> With just one 'connect' host, it seems to reconnect just fine (using
> the same tests as above) and I'm not seeing the same error. It worked
> every time that I tried, with no complaints of "MySQL server has gone
> away".
> If there are multiple hosts, it seems like the most robust thing to do
> would be to exhaust the existing connections and if none of those
> succeed, then start a new connection to one of them. It will probably
> result in much more convoluted logic but it'd probably match better
> what people expect from a retry.
> Alternatively, since in all my tests, the mysql server has closed the
> connection prior to this, is the auth worker not recognizing its
> connection is already half-closed (in which case, it probably
> shouldn't even consider it a legitimate connection and just
> automatically reconnect, i.e. try #1, not the retry, which would
> happen after another failure).
> I'll give the idle_kill a try too. I kind of like the idea of
> idle_kill for auth processes anyway, just to free up some connections
> on the mysql server.

by the way , if you use sql for auth have you tried auth caching ?


# Authentication cache size (e.g. 10M). 0 means it's disabled. Note that
# bsdauth, PAM and vpopmail require cache_key to be set for caching to
be used.

auth_cache_size = 10M

# Time to live for cached data. After TTL expires the cached record is no
# longer used, *except* if the main database lookup returns internal
# We also try to handle password changes automatically: If user's previous
# authentication was successful, but this one wasn't, the cache isn't used.
# For now this works only with plaintext authentication.

auth_cache_ttl = 1 hour

# TTL for negative hits (user not found, password mismatch).
# 0 disables caching them completely.

auth_cache_negative_ttl = 0

Best Regards

MfG Robert Schetterer


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