On 1/23/2012 8:38 AM, Amira Othman wrote:
> And there is no way to receive incoming  emails not on port 25 ?

You can't randomly change the port you receive mail on because
external MTAs have no way to find what port you're using.  They will
*always* use port 25 and nothing else.

If your problem is that your Internet Service Provider is blocking
port 25, you can contact them.  Some ISPs will unblock port 25 on
request, or might even have an online form you can fill out.

If you can't get help from the ISP, you need a remailer service --
some outside proxy that accepts the mail for you and forwards
connections to some different port on your computer.  I don't know
of any free services that do this; dyndns and others offer this for
a fee, sometimes combined with spam/virus filtering.

  -- Noel Jones

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