
I'm glad to see my report finally arrive, thank you :)

On 09.02.2012 04:02, Timo Sirainen wrote:
Fixed now slightly differently than you:

No problem – I agree that my code was a bit kludgy.

I noticed that my original mail might be a bit unclear:

> while trying to investigate the bug I reported last week, I found that
> there is a broken boundary check

So I just want to make clear that this patch does not fix the other problem that I reported at http://www.dovecot.org/list/dovecot/2011-September/061316.html (“Strange behavior from shared namespaces and INBOX, probably a bug”).


Christoph Bußenius
Rechnerbetriebsgruppe der Fakultäten Informatik und Mathematik
TU München
+49 89-289-18519 <> Raum 00.05.055 <> Boltzmannstr. 3 <> Garching

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