On 15.2.2012, at 21.30, Metro Domain Admin wrote:

> I received this error at the end of a migration from imapc to mdbox. Is
> it because I wanted doveadm 'sync' instead of 'backup'? I didn't get
> time to do any testing, but since you're pushing for the release, here
> it is:
> kerio2:~ adminuser$ /opt/dovecot/bin/doveadm  -o imapc_user=jsample  -o
> imapc_password=******  -o imapc_host=*.*.*.*  sync -R  -u
> jsample...@mydomain.com  imapc:/tmp/imapc
> dsync(jsample...@mydomain.com): Error: Can't update mailbox
> Archives/2011: Not supported

Yes, it's because of "sync". The "Not supported" comes from imapc backend, 
because Dovecot tried to do some changes to it that weren't possible with IMAP 
protocol (modseq changes probably). I think the migration still was successful 

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