On Mac OS X 10.5.8 / darwin 9.8.0, I'm getting this error on startup again:
dovecot[74267]: master: Fatal: kevent(EV_ADD, READ, 19) failed: Invalid argument

dovecot.conf contains:
service stats {
  fifo_listener stats-mail {
    mode = 0

which fixed the issue with 2.1.1

adding the following seems to have fixed things:
service aggregator {
  fifo_listener replication-notify-fifo {
   mode = 0

from looking at config/all-settings.c it looks like I should maybe also add the 
following (but I have not tried it).
service director {
  fifo_listener login/proxy-notify {
    mode = 0

It would be really nice if this failed more gracefully so the config tweaks 
weren't necessary. (I can work on a patch if it's something that would be 
accepted and if someone can point me in the right direction).

Daniel J. Luke                                                                  
| *---------------- dl...@geeklair.net ----------------* |                      
| *-------------- http://www.geeklair.net -------------* |                      
|   Opinions expressed are mine and do not necessarily   |                      
|          reflect the opinions of my employer.          |                      

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