On 03/18/2012 12:32 AM, Sven Hartge wrote:
Kaya Saman<kayasa...@gmail.com>  wrote:

Once we get setup this may come in quite handy! Not sure what's going
on currently as everyone above me is still quite set in using an SQL
DB as a mail storage system???
RDBMS where not designed for such a task.  Using a relational database
as a storage method for big chunks of data is very unwise, in my
opinion. It degrades them to just being some sort of filing cabinet.

Now, wouldn't it be nice, if we had something like that, a filing
cabinet where we can store large chunks of data and randomly read and
write them in a fast manner?

Oh yes, I remember, it is called a "filesystem". Let's use some of those
to store the mail data. It will be soooo awesome! ;-)

I think for the serious engineer there's Linux if even more serious there's UNIX and for the rest there's MS..... Actually as a medical term MS is something not that great to have; why does that also equate to IT/Computing too ;-P

Ok, back being serious: there is nothing wrong with using a RDBMS in the
way it was intented, to store user credentials, quota values, account
settings, forwarding addresses, address book data, bookmarks, etc.

I agree!

My humble opinion for a personal preference setup in this instance:

FreeBSD 8.2 x64 as base OS
UFS2 running on root drive
Create ZFS pools for storage
Have users mailboxes on the ZFS pools
Enable ZFS caching and snapshots
Dovecot to manage IMAPv4


Get rid of MS altogether! <wouldn't that be nice>

....Then start working a really cool implementation of UNIX/Linux only infrastructure :-)




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