On 20/03/2012 08:18, Gedalya wrote:
On 3/20/2012 1:43 AM, Gedalya wrote:
On 3/20/2012 1:28 AM, Alexander Chekalin wrote:
Just wonder if it is possible to enable/disable IMAP4 on Dovecot
(2.0.x as far) on per-user basis?

The deal is simple: our policy is not to store a lot of mailing on
mailserver (the user should store it locally), thus the 'use POP3'
approach, but for a vary few users it is permitted to use IMAP4. But
users sometimes simple miss the point that some mail clients (e.g.
TB) 'prefer' to use IMAP4 first, and afterward I see mailbox full of
mailings and no local store of it on user's workstation.

Sound too complicated, but setting up two Dovecots is not something
I'd love to do as well.

Thank you for any ideas,
There would be various ways to do this, the specifics would depend on
what kind of passdb you use.

If you happen to be using a SQL database, you could do something like
this: Add an allow_imap column, and change the password_query in
dovecot-sql.conf.ext to something like this:

password_query = SELECT password FROM user WHERE username = '%n' AND
domain = '%d' \
AND ('%s' != 'imap' or allow_imap=1)

This would make the user appear to not exist when trying to log in via


Or like this, might be more appropriate.

password_query = SELECT password, if('%s' != 'imap' or allow_imap=1,
NULL, 'y') as nologin \
FROM user WHERE username = '%n' AND domain = '%d'


but this will disallow also pop3...


Eliezer Croitoru
IT consulting for Nonprofit organizations
elilezer <at> ngtech.co.il

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