On 28 March 2012 09:36, Bruce, Andrew <abr...@tumnus.co.nz> wrote:
> On 27 March 2012 19:14, Nikita Koshikov <koshi...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Tue, 27 Mar 2012 13:57:04 +1300
>> Bruce, Andrew wrote:
>> Hi there,
>> We're setting up a Dovecot virtual email setup - we've got everything
>> working perfect with LDAP logins authenticating against AD and so
>> forth, but we're having issues with retrieving the maxStorage value
>> from AD (this is a pre-setup field in AD that we'd like to use to set
>> per user quotas).
>> In our LDAP lookup, we have the maxStorage entry listed under
>> user_attrs for the quota (user_attrs =
>> maxStorage=quota_rule=*:storage=%$M), and in the debug logs, can see
>> it trying to get the entry, but it fails with:
>> Mar 27 13:19:27 auth: Debug: ldap(username@site, user
>> search: base=dc=site,dc=local scope=subtree
>> filter=(&(objectClass=person)(| (userPrincipalName=username@site)
>> (|(mail=username@site)(samAccountName=username@site))))
>> fields=maxStorage
>> Mar 27 13:19:27 auth: Debug: ldap(username@site, no
>> fields returned by the server
>> At this point, we then see the default quota applied.
> Try to change your quota rule to be like:
> maxStorage=quota_rule=*:bytes=%$
>                        ^^^^^^^^^
> And put the value in bytes to maxStorage - if I remember correct - this is 
> integer field and no K\M\G values is valid here.
> PS We successfully using maxStorage field to obtain non-default quota from 
> AD, dovecot version 2.0.x
>> If we change the name of the field from maxStorage to instanceType we
>> see the value show up in the logs and passed through to the quota
>> system and applied successfully:
>> Mar 27 11:09:01 auth: Debug: ldap(username@site, user
>> search: base=dc=site,dc=local scope=subtree
>> filter=(&(objectClass=person)(| (userPrincipalName=username@site)
>> (|(mail=username@site)(samAccountName=username@site))))
>> fields=instanceType
>> Mar 27 11:09:01 auth: Debug: ldap(username@site, result:
>> instanceType(quota_rule=*:storage=%$M)=*:storage=4M
>> Mar 27 11:09:01 auth: Debug: master out: USER   3901227009
>> username@site    quota_rule=*:storage=4M
>> Which seems a bit weird.
>> If we use ldapsearch and pass it the same search string and look for
>> the field maxStorage, we clearly see the field and the value being
>> returned.  The result looks the same if we also lookup instanceType.
>> We're using Dovecot 2.0.9.
>> Does anyone have any idea as to why we can't use this field?
>> Thanks,
>> Andrew

Tried your suggestion Nikita, no joy unfortunately.  It still looks
like the value never gets returned from the LDAP server to Dovecot.
It definitely has something in the field (equivalent of 10GB, but in
bytes as suggested) and I changed the user_attrs also, but still get
the same "no fields returned by the server" error message.

Modifying the user_attrs to lookup from a different field
(instanceType) definitely works.

What exact version are you using - perhaps it's a problem with our
copy of 2.0.9.



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