On 30.3.2012, at 16.03, Andy Dills wrote:

> On Mon, 6 Feb 2012, Timo Sirainen wrote:
>> # doveadm instance remove proxy
> Hmm...maybe I'm doing something wrong or expecting the wrong behavior, but 
> when I do this, while it dissapears from doveadm, it still responds to 
> pop/imap requests, and the process continues to run.
> Is remove supposed to be different than say, "stop"?

Yes, the "remove" is meant to simply remove already stopped instances, e.g. 
some test instances. You can stop instances with "doveadm -i proxy stop". Dunno 
if there should be another "doveadm instance stop proxy" alias for that?..

>> It would be possible to add commands to start/shutdown some/all 
>> instances using doveadm, but is it all that useful? I'd guess people 
>> would have their own init.d scripts anyway doing that.
> Eh, in a FreeBSD port-build environment, I have to hack something in place 
> in the rc script that gets installed, and then make sure to duplicate it 
> every time I upgrade dovecot...not ideal. 
> So, if dovecot had some sort of mechanism in the main config file to alert 
> it of the additional instances to start and their config files, that would 
> be nice.
> Or, if you were to add a "instance_enable" switch in the config files and 
> then have dovecot scan the /usr/local/etc/dovecot directory for 
> appropriate config files to automatically parse. 

Hmm. Perhaps a "doveadm instance auto <name> yes|no" command to set which 
instances are started up automatically when Dovecot starts up.

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